Welcome to the Monday Memo — your pop culture snapshot from Manifesto.

Hey, friends. Mondays can be tough. Here are 7 things to make October 24, 2022 a bit better.

1. Artist of the Week: Araceli Robledo Adams Araceli Robledo Adams is the artist behind Casa Adams Fine Wares, a small ceramic studio based in Australia. Born in Spain, she grew up surrounded by her family’s cherished collection of hand painted antique pottery from Talavera de la Reina. Her work has been featured in The World of Interiors, Home Beautiful, Gourmet Traveller and The Journal of Australian Ceramics.

2. What we're listening to: Midnights by Taylor Swift It's me. Hi. Back in 2014, Bloomberg declared, "Taylor Swift IS the Music Industry." Throughout her entire career, from original releases to re-recordings of her masters, Swift has time and time proved this statement to be correct, and her latest masterpiece Midnights is no exception. Her highly anticipated 10th (!!!!) album follows the story of 13 sleepless nights (plus 7 bonus tracks), and is full of the heart-wrenchingly beautiful songwriting that made Swift a household name. We love "Anti-Hero," "You're On Your Own Kid," and "Mastermind."
3. What we're watching: The Midnight Club - Netflix The Midnight Club follows a group of eight terminally ill patients at Brightcliffe Hospice, who begin to gather together at midnight to share scary stories. Another great pick to celebrate Spooky Season!

4. Trend & Advertising Highlight: 'It's the Great Apple (TV+), Charlie Brown' Arguably the most iconic Peanuts special, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown has become a Halloween staple since it debuted over 56 years ago. Since then, there has only been one instance where the special was not available on public television. In 2018, Apple bought the rights to all of the Peanut specials, and the films became exclusively available to stream on Apple TV+ in 2020. In a partnership with the streamer, PBS was allowed to air the specials in 2021. But this year, PBS no longer has the rights, and confirmed that it won't be airing the Halloween show. While fans were outraged, Apple TV very wisely responded with a press release where they announced that they will provide free windows for non-subscribers to stream the iconic holiday specials. Even in the time of cable dominance, public television existed as the great equalizer, where children across the nation could have access to quality television programs like Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood, The Peanuts, and Sesame Street. In fact, earlier this year many where outraged when the streaming rights to Sesame Street were sold to HBO Max, and once more when the platform started to remove episodes. This strategic move by Apple TV to allow non-subscribers access to their content is no doubt in response to the growing hostility against streaming services buying the rights to public television shows, therefore making them harder to access. We respect Apple TV choosing to give a treat instead of a trick, and hope other streaming services will make public television more accessible to all audiences.

5. Cognitive Bias of the Week: Planning Fallacy The planning fallacy describes our tendency to underestimate the amount of time it will take to complete a task, as well as the costs and risks associated with that task—even if it contradicts our experiences. This cognitive bias is no doubt something have all of have experienced at some point in our lives. For example, let's say you have a big presentation you have to prepare for Friday. In your career, you have done countless presentations and have experience executing them. As you take a look at your work week, you think you can pull something together in a day or two. As the week goes on, you get swamped with other deliverables, and before you know it, you are rushing to finish the presentation the hour before it is due. It is easy to believe that this time, the rules won't apply to us. Most of us have a strong preference to follow our gut, even if its forecasts have been wrong in the past. What we can do is to plan around the planning fallacy, building steps into the planning process that can help us avoid it.

Reading 9 to 5: The bill, SB 1183, was signed into law by Gov. Gavin Newsom and will provide funding for Parton’s “Imagination Library” program, providing free books to children from birth to 5 years old.
6. Good News of the Week:
Thanks to Dolly Parton, millions of children in California will receive free books (KTLA)
NASA invented a "breakthrough" high-performance battery that could be used to power entirely electric planes (Independent)
Thanks to added protection, a record number of seal pups were born in Finland this year (YLE)
A shower bus is helping to provide basic needs and dignity to people experiencing homelessness in Brooklyn (Canarsie Courier)

7. Bonus: Tweet of the Week We don't know about you, but we feel like we have been so busy lately. Therefore, we have made the executive decision to feature a funny tweet of the week to put a smile on everyone's faces. Now, go pursue those passions.